Our funds are designed to help support, to enable and improved educational outcomes for all students who live in rural and remote Australia.

- Funds are available to students who reside in rural and remote Australian families living and working on stations or in small isolated, rural and remote towns or remote islands. This includes contractors working in rural and remote areas who have to work away from homes postal addresses.
- Must be geographically isolated
- Funding will and can be used for a diverse range of activities. Specific projects that relate to a rural and remote child/students educational needs,
- travel costs
- education and skill building
- technology
- school room items
- Laptops
- Travelling to music lessons or tutoring fees
- Travelling to sport camps or purchase of equipment or tutoring
- Travelling to medical health or other
- Assistance for travel cost of volunteer tutor to travel to station or outback community help out in schoolroom.
- Travel cost to boarding school
- Boarding school fee’s
- Must be Australian Citizens and permanent residents of Australia.
- Applications are open all year round.
- (Exception made for contractors whose mailing address is in town but work place in rural and remote)
- Bushed Australia aims to reduce the challenge of distance in social and economic outcomes for all rural and remote children’s educational needs.
- Must confirm your residential address fits the location criteria by referring to the map of remoteness below. Locations categorised as very remote or remote are eligible. Outer regional locations may be considered in some circumstances, relative to access of services.