How to leave a gift in your Will
If you are planning to remember BushED in your Will, we recommend that you discuss your wishes with your family, solicitor and with the team at BushED. By informing us of your plans you’ll become part of a special group of supporters. Please know that any information you provide us with is simply a statement of your current intentions and is in no way legally binding and will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Please contact Charles Alder from our Donor Relations Team at 1800287433 to learn more about leaving a gift in your Will.
Suggested wording for your Will
If you would like to leave a gift to BushED, your solicitor can advise you on the best way to do this. You may wish to update your existing Will with a codicil (addendum) or use the following sample wording to insert a clause in your Will:
“I (insert name here) give Bushed Australia Limited (ABN 55 647 661 023)…. [Insert one of the following];
- The whole of my estate
- (insert number) % of my estate
- The residue of my estate
- The sum of $ (insert amount)
- My (Details of a particular asset, such as shares or property)
for its general purposes free of all duties and taxes payable upon death or in consequence of my death. The receipt of the authorised officer, for the time being, shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor/s.”
Four Types of Gift
A residuary gift
A residue is a gift amounting to whatever remains in your estate after loved ones have been taken care of.
A pecuniary gift
A pecuniary gift allows you to leave a fixed amount of money from your estate to Bushed Australia such as real estate or shares.
A percentage
A percentage allows you to leave a nominated percentage of your estate to Bushed Australia.
A specific gift
A specific gift allows you to leave a particular gift from your estate to the Bushed Australia real estate or shares.
If you have any questions, please contact Charles Alder from our Donor Relations Team at 1800287433